Tulip Bouquet HAB

New Tulip Bouquet HAB

A stylish wrapped hand bouquet is hand arranged with Beautiful tulips.  The bouquet is artfully designed with 2 color wrap and matching bow.

These visuals are for style purposes only and will vary from florist to florist and the availability of the flowers. Our professional florist may substitute flowers for a suitable alternative, similar in style, quality and value. Where flower designs include a sundry item such as a basket it may not always be possible for our florists to include the exact item pictured. Every effort will be taken to ensure that the item is substituted for a similar design. Delivery is within U.A.E only.


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  • Views: 16619
  • text_manufacturer Holland Flowers
  • text_model HAB04
  • text_stock text_instock
3 Product(s) Sold
  • $55decimal_point00


text_tags tulip bouquet hab, hab04, holland flowers, flowers, hand bouquets

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